Discover a free crochet pattern tutorial for creating an adorable amigurumi little doll. Perfect for beginners and experienced crocheters alike.
Legs (2 parts)
1 6 sbn in KA 6
2 (2sbn, prib) * 2 8
3- 5 8sbn 8
6 Rotate, 5sbn 5
7-8 Rotate, 5sbn 5
9 Knit in a circle ub, gaining additional hinges on the loops on an uc 10
10 8sbn, killed 9
11 7sbn, killed 8
12-30 8sbn 8
Body and Head of the
Arm (2 details)
1 4 sbn in KA 4
2 (sbn, prib) * 2 times 6
3-15 6 sbn 6
1 3vpp, 8sbn, 3sbn on vp, 8sbn, 3sbn on vp 22
2 6sbn, prib, 11sbn , prib, 3sbn 24
3 24 sbn 24
4-7 24 sbn 24
8 7sbn, ub, 10sbn, ub, 3sbn 22
9 22sbn 22
10 6sbn, ub, 10sbn, ub, 2sbn 20
11 20sbn 20
12 6sbn, ub, 8sbn, ub, 2sbn 18
13 18sbn 18
14 ( 2sbn, ub) * 4, ub 13
15 Cfb, ub, 10sbn 12
16 6ub 6
17-18 6sbn 6
19 6pribb 12
20 12 appr 24
21 (3sbn, appr) * 6 30
22 (4sbn, appr) * 6 36
23 (5sbn, prib) * 6 42
24 42sbn 42
25-30 42sbn 42
31 (5sbn, decreasing) * 6 36
32 (4sbn, decreasing) * 6 30
33 (3sbn, decreasing) * 6 24
34 (2sbn, decreasing) * 6 18
35 (sbn, ubav) * 6 12
36 ubav * 6 6
Leave a thread 10cm long for sewing the dress
1 21 VP, knit starting from the second loop from the hook, 20 BF 20
2 2 BF, 4PsSN, 4v.p, skip
3 columns, (2PsSN, PSSCH gear) * 2, 4vp, skip 3 columns, 4 PsSN
3 2 e. P., (3PsSN, PsSN app) * 6 30
4 2v.p, 30 PsSN 30
5 (4CSN, ptsSN) * 6 36
6 (5CSN, ptsNS) * 6 42
7-10 42SSN 42
1 50 в.п close in the ring 50
2 50sbn 50
3-4 3v.p., (convex CCN, concave CCN) * 24 50
5 3v.p., 2CCH, subc. CCN, (3CCH, ub. SSN) * 9 40
6 3v.p, SSN, UB.CSN, (2CCH, UB.CN) * 9 30
7 3v.p., UB.CN, (CCH, UB.CN) * 9 20
8 (UB SSN) * 10 10
9 (UB.CN) * 5 5