Volume Braid Cable Knitting Pattern

How to Knit a Volume Braid Cable:

Work with multiple of 8 stitches + 2 edge stitches.

Cast on 18 stitches (8 + 8 + 2 edge sts) and work according to chart.

The chart shows Right Side and Wrong Side rows.

The numbers at right edge of chart indicate RS rows, and at left edge WS rows.

Read RS rows from right to left, WS rows from left to right.

The patt rep = 8 sts wide.

Repeat patt between edge stitches throughout.

Begin with 1 Wrong Side row.

C4B (P2/yo/K2tog): slip 2 sts to cable needle, hold to back, work K2tog and  over, then P2 from cable needle

C4F (K2tog/P2/yo): slip 2 sts to cable needle, hold to front, P2, then K2tog as one stitch through the back loop

Set-up Row 1 (WS): edge st, * k2, p4, k2, repeat from * to last stitch, edge st.

Row 2 (RS): edge st, * C4B, k2, p2, repeat from * to last stitch, edge st.

Row 3: edge st, * (k2, p2) twice, repeat from * to last stitch, edge st.

Row 4: edge st, * p2, k2, C4F, repeat from * to last stitch, edge st.

Row 5: edge st, * (p2, k2) twice, repeat from * to last stitch, edge st.

Work rows 1-5 once, then rep rows 2-5 throughout.


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