Turkey Hand Pies | The Modern Proper


  • Two and a half cups of flour.
  • A cup and a half of warm water.
  • Two teaspoons of yeast.
  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • Two tablespoons of milk powder.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt.



Dissolve the yeast

Dissolve the yeast in the water with the sugar, cover it, and leave it for 10 minutes until it doubles in size.

How to apply the dough

Mix the dough ingredients with water and yeast well, then divide the dough into 8 balls, brush each ball with oil, and leave it to ferment for half an hour.

How to apply the filling

Place the chopped onions on the fire until they wilt, then add the minced meat, salt, pepper and chopped tomatoes, and leave it for 10 minutes until cooked.

Dough filling

Spread the dough on a flat surface until it becomes thin, then place the filling in the middle, taking care to avoid the edges, then brush the edges of the dough with a little water.

Close the dough

Place a piece of the rolled dough over the stuffed dough until it is well covered, then press the edges until the two doughs stick together.

Bread dough

Raise a baking sheet suitable for the size of the dough, greased with oil, over medium heat, then place the dough in the middle and move it in quick circular motions until the side touching the baking sheet is browned, then flip it to the other side.




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